Well, my university exams stopped any progress... For now.
But i still have enormous plans for its future.
First, I decided to make some changes of the setting and overall size of world. My final goal is a huge world with interesting background and original culture.
Second point is about game mechanics. I totally hate most of 'rpg's just because they are only hack'n'slash games with rudimental plot with tons of cliсhe and only one purpose: KILL-LOOT-KILL MORE-LOOT MORE. This is...dissapointing.
Just because of it main part of 'aspect' is social interaction. Actually, it will be a game about dialogues with few battles. My work is...huge. Just a plot with non-linear elements, interesting characters etc. Damn.
And yep...
Araxi Rawager is watching you, organic scum

(these guys is just re-animated th'larr corpses with mechanics implants. In fact, they're just a mindless battle machines without any free will and is used by one of main antagonists. Yep, they are inspired by phyrexians from mtg)