Well-well, in this good day (IN SOVIET RUSSIA IS STILL A DAY) i congratulate all of you with 2014 madness celebration. I hope it will be better than 2013 one x)
Movies I really liked:
1. Time to Madness (http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/646267). Khaang, good oldscool madness with incredible dynamic combat scenes. Best movie for this moment, IMHO.
2. MAdness Cleanification (http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/646259). Gabriel's movie with epic mop fight.
3. TEh Aliems (http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/646272). This is, ugh, just weird.
4. Madness Dellilation (http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/646266). SHort, but still good.
Anf, finally, my art for MD14. I suppose, it sucks =-_*=
Well, that's all for now, now i'm gona just find my old laptop and play Planescape: torment, nak yeah.
Goodnight, and happy Madness Day, guys.